Chinese Celebrities love Wild Ferns

Our Products are loved by many famous Chinese celebrities

Our Products are loved by many famous Chinese celebrities

Hi guys we would like to share some exciting news, G&M Orient has been working hard to represent and push our brands as strong as possible. We have teamed up with Digital One to help market and push our partners into both the international and domestic market.

One of our most beautiful brands, Wild Ferns, has been doing major promotional work in the China market. The brand has been getting recognition from celebrities and is starting to really take off in this market.

Wild Ferns have received many endorsements from famous Chinese Celebrities, some of them include:

Chen Xinyu – 3.3 million followers on social media, a very famous actress, she loves the honey and propolis soap and endorsed it to all her followers.

Cao Xiwen- 5 million followers on social media, a very famous actress, she loves our Bee Venom face mask.

Zhang Xiyuan- 1 million followers on social media, a very famous actress, she loves our honey and propolis soap.

Zuo Qibo – 5 million followers on social media, a famous musician, he loves our Rotorua Mud Mask.

Wen Xin – 3 million followers on social media, is a famous actress and musician, she loves Wild Ferns Bee Venom range. 

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